Quattro Ventures

Our Team

Seven Separate
but Integrated

Quattro Ventures is a progressive farm venture growing a variety of crops.

A strong management team combining owners and non-owners, is in place to manage the operational side of Quattro Ventures.

The structure of the Quattro management team is based on 7 separate but integrated divisions based on their crops:

Essential oils, seed canola, irrigation cereals & peas, potatoes, row crops, hemp, dryland durum & lentils.

Meet Our Team


John Van Tryp

office: 403-545-2222
cell: 403-952-0590

Bruce Corraini
Board Chair

Nathan Nieboer
Seed Division

office: 403-545-2222
cell: 403-878-2797

Amanda Deeley
Seed Division

office: 403-545-2222
cell: 403-928-0989

Crop Division Supervisors

Essential Oils:

Chris Reusser CCA

P: 403-952-4222

Cereals/Dryland Pulses:

Juan Peters

cell: 403-360-8314

Seed Canola:

Paul Van Tryp

cell: 403-952-0635


Lloyd Ypma

cell: 403-634-1633

Row Crops:

Corny Fehr

cell: 403-866-7049


Martin Ekstrand

cell: 403-502-6593

Senior Agronomist:

Emily Ford M.Sc P.Ag

cell: 403-458-1512

Irrigation Management:

Jack Van Tryp

cell: 403-952-0569

Send  any  of  our  team  an  email  or  give  them  a  call

Rooted In Agriculture